You have undoubtedly heard by now of the Yankee fan who was thrown out of a game this week for trying to urinate during the singing of God Bless America. For the record, it is a rule that you not do that. And by rule I mean both literally (although how steadfast and established is a matter of debate) and ethically.
Also for the record, Bernie likes that rule.
The fan is now pursuing legal action....what else? The NY Civil Liberties Union has graciously provided their services, assistance and support in the dubious course of action.
The Yankhole says he is proud to be an American, but doesn't observe any religious practices. Bernie has tried but doesn't see where Bradford Campeau-Laurion was being required to drape himself in the Red, White and Blue, profess his love for the tiny infant baby Jesus and sing with all his blessed little heart one of our nation's more passionate, patriotic songs.
Another admission: Bernie agrees with Cal Naughton Jr and prefers the Jesus with the tuxedo t-shirt.
Did the cops over-react? Well....I wasn't there and I'm not going to get into all of the he said-he spewed. On the surface it appears that the cops could have handled it differently. The fact is they didn't.
From my perspective the frog eater was just being asked to stay at his seat for about a minute, cross his legs if he had to and keep his trap shut if he must. Want to feign patriotism? Pull a Britney and lip-sync. No harm-no foul.
To make your own judgment on the issue, I am providing you with one story
against the decision to
toss out the first commie AND one story in favor.....oh well, couldn't really find one. Guess that puts me in the minority again.
At least let me insert my own research: I finished a Super Gulp! about a half hour ago. And in the time it took to type this out I have been singing God Bless America (....let's see....almost done....there!) Sang it seven times in a row. And guess what? I was able to hold it!!
I doubt any wine swillin' frenchies grace my space, but if you're around Mr. Campeau-Laurion - here's some thoughts for your digestion: in America...we respect songs woven into our national psyche. Steer clear of institutions like the NYCLU and if you want to see a Yankees game, be prepared to follow Steinbrenner's rules.
Lastly, might I also suggest consulting with former astronaut Lisa Nowak on creative ways to work around those pesky bladder issues. After all, it's called the 7th Inning Stretch, not the 7th inning urinal cake.
So to sum up: Formula One driver Jean Girard and a Mr. Campeau-Laurion eat crepes, Bernie and Ricky Bobby drink PBR and eat pizza crusts. That's all fine and good. But when it's time to pay respects...if you don't take that beret off of your well groomed head pipsqueak,
we'll come at you like a spider monkey and scissor kick you in the head!
These colors don't run!
Shake and Bake Reader. And happy Friday.