Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday's Meatloaf - plucking at the right pitch

How is it that being a parent can be so exhilarating and at the same time scare the hell out of you? Went to a wedding last night that really has me contemplating sending my girls to a boarding school...on an island...with no all. And it's surrounded by sharks that are genetically designed to be attracted to AXE cologne and Justin Beaver haircuts.

The wedding capped off a whirlwind weekend that kept us on the go. Especially Saturday morning when the 8 year old had a soccer game at 9am, followed by the awards and end of season party and then a guitar recital at 11am. We had barely stopped patting her on the back for being selected as an All-Star fĂștbol player before it was time to throw the cleats in the trunk and change into something that matched her pink electric. 

Sitting between her parents, you could feel the tension rise. She'd never played in front of anyone but her family before and now she was about to go onstage in front of 60 or so strangers. A tear came next, but she quietly whispered to Mrs. Bernie that she was going to "face her fears" and do a good job.

By the time she finished strumming, I was having trouble finding a time I've been more proud of her. I've said it many times, but I learn from my kids tenfold what they could possibly learn from me. Ode to Joy was her piece. It was followed soon thereafter by hugs, high fives and fist bumps. The joy was indeed pitch perfect.

Today's Ingredients

Remember back to GDay when Russ was laying on that bed instead of chilling out in his air-conditioned house? That had been rattling around in my head for a few weeks and I finally decided to investigate some more. Our chocolate lab Munson loves to dig up a cool spot in Mrs. Bernie's flower beds, and with temps stretching into the 90's I was anxious to help the pup find a better solution.
ChillSpot - COOLER than the other side of a pillow
We bring him inside to cool off, but the wood floor and the rug just adjust themselves to his temperature which makes him more miserable. I would send him up to the bathrooms and the tile floors, but as we discussed last week...with three females in the house, those rooms spend a good amount of time "ocupado".

So I did some investigating and found out it was something called a ChillSpot that had Russ so comfortable back in April. And if it's good enough for Russ it's good enough for our Munson. So I reached out to the ChillSpot guys and they told me all about how they won the Seilers over to get the GDay sideline approval. Turns out that bag of ice some of the Ugas have enjoyed isn't so good for their skin. This unique dog bed stays a nice cool 55 degrees or so and simulates a tile floor that dogs love. They've even put ChillSpots in the Atlanta Zoo for the Panda habitats. It's simple to use and can move with Munson inside or out.

Now if I could just find a way to Mrs. Bernie proof the thermostat. Speaking of hot, the meatloaf is finally ready. Here's some utensils Reader. Go stick a fork in it.



Bernie said...

Big ups to the 8-year-old! And to you and Mrs. BD--for being around to not only participate in her successes, but also for having the good sense to be inspired by them. 

Bernie said...

Thanks @Jen_eration_X ! Kids are great teachers. I'm just trying to stay ahead of the curve.