Gonna start off with my current favorite. I'm usually not big on wheat beers, or brews with fruit tastes for that matter. But RJ Rockers' Son of a Peach is fantastic. Call it a girlie beer, or too fruity...I don't give a peach. I think it's a perfect Spring/Summer brew.
Many beers of this variety lack consistency bottle to bottle and also have trouble balancing the true beer taste with the fruit flavorings. Sweetwater Blue for instance...I enjoy this on occasion. But if I ever bought a six pack of it I would take months to finish it. After I down one I just don't have much interest in another one.
SoP is totally different. The peach flavor is there and unmistakable, but it never overwhelms the beer itself. It probably helps that I really enjoy a good peach I'm sure. When you have one, do yourself a favor and pour it like a traditional hefeweizen: invert a cold glass over the bottle, then reverse their positions while slowly backing the bottle out of the top of the glass. I've found that this disperses the taste perfectly, much better than out of the bottle or simply dumped in a pint glass.
There's only one drawback I can think of to this beer...it's almost impossible to find unless you live in South Carolina. RJ Rockers is a Spartanburg brewery (and all of their stuff is good by the way) and they do a good job distributing throughout the chicken state. But the only place I've seen their beer in Georgia is Five Points Bottle in Athens. And that may have been a fluke. I'm sure it's in other places, but they're few and far between. If you try it and like it, just keep asking for it at your local place.
However, if you get crack-hooked on it, hit me up. I've got a personal border crossing bootlegger. You can also follow me on Untapp'd here.
Your welcome.
If you haven't already tried any of Dogfish Head's fine ales I'd highly recommend trying what Sam Calagione is brewing these days.
That's my jaaaaaaaam
Thanks for the comments.
DogFish is always solid. Can't wait for the Punkin to come out again.
When this beer first came out 2-3 years ago I had it on tap in Greenville SC, promptly went the next day and bought a case. I drank them for two weeks straight, so much so that I got burned out on it. It is however a very good spring beer.
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