Friday, December 17, 2010

You just can't make this (crap) up...

...but it's really no surprise when the football program is being run by an anthropology TA...a dean...someone called a chancellor.

Vandy edges closer and closer to hiring their next intramural tackle football coach. Which was news to me since I thought they already got the guy from Maryland's staff. Obviously I stopped paying attention once Malzahn said...nah, thanks though.

And last night they announced via Facebook that their announcement would come as...wait for it...wait...a status update. Yup, that's right. Social Networking meets the gridiron.

To respond to Vanderbilt's friendship request click here. As a bonus you'll also get the latest on Ron Prince's ascension into Nashvegas. Epic!


Gov Milledge said...

It's all about efficiencies. Saves the intramural squad from having to host a press conference with a Subway spread for all 3 team reporters

Bernie said...


Now why couldn't I see that. Thanks for the explanation.