Friday, September 3, 2010

Trivial Update - Turning the Andouille Over

#ThursdaysRTrivial ep 58 coming up right after this PSA: We always knew Spurrier was a cock.

#ThursdaysRTrivial ep 58 "What Makes a Cajun Ragin'?" It's time for the Twitter Twivia show that's got a hankerin' for some andouille. REPLY back your answer for a chance at a fabulous prize. In 2009 UL-L snagged 16 opponents' passes, which ranked them tied for _____ in the nation.

Reminds me of this gem:

So the Ragin' Cajuns are who we think they are...which is a team returning 10 interceptions from last year's team. So we can't get all loosy goosy with the ball even this week.

And Scott understands that. He came in with the correct tweet which he gleaned from this post at The Grit Tree. Scott takes home a full 10 pounds of sausage. I trust he knows what to do with it.

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