And I hope you truly don't give a shit about that. I hope that you don't give a shit about it because I hope you are too busy a) traveling down your own self to make time for something stupid I put up here for you to look at with your eyes and maybe read, b) too busy hating gators, or c) spending time with your family.
Like this shitbrick.
In case you don't recognize it, that's a pre-Sad Papa John's pizza smile. Sure, it's a little bit forced. That's because he's uncomfortable being around people that use phrases like "No Urbie. Our son's name is Nate, not Tim." Or "Why don't you log off that internet porn site dad so that we can have this Thanksgiving meal together?" Or, "Honey, I'm sick of hanging around these godless and ignorant people. Find a new job so we can finally move out of Florida."
Urban Meyer, /n./ - the only coach to ever win two championships and still manage to leave a program in ruin. (Also, see shitbrick.)