Sunday, March 20, 2011

Resting under the Grit Tree, in peace

With a big h/t to AthensHomerDawg, today we remember the passing of Lewis Grizzard. I can't really type any more than I already have about how much Grizzard's words meant to me both growing up and growing old. He blended humor, realism and southern charm to perfection.

I simply give thanks that he is up there, sittin' a spell with Catfish at his side.

"The game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears, and score your points when you get the opportunity."

“The only way that I could figure they could improve upon Coca-Cola, one of life's most delightful elixirs, which studies prove will heal the sick and occasionally raise the dead, is to put rum or bourbon in it.”

“She [mama] had an appreciation of the language. She taught me a love of words, of how they should be used and how they can fill a creative soul with a passion and lead to a life's work.”

“The public, more often than not, will forgive mistakes, but it will not forgive trying to wriggle and weasel out of one.”

“I finally figured it out, I finally figured out how to find some peace and happiness. I sure would hate for the man upstairs to take me now. But at least I did figure it out.”  

Lewis Grizzard 1946-1994 

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