Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday's Meatloaf -!...Enemies

First off, congrats to the University of South Carolina in Chickumbia...for registering their 15th win in the 63rd game of the series with Georgia.

It's a new age reader. With the details emerging on how the transaction between AJ Green and Mr. Chris Hawkins went down, it reminded me of a post I wrote when this agent stuff started back in June. And while Coach Richt is still too nice of a guy to ban his players from Facebook, or Twitter...or whatever...I'm still wishing he would.

Because the bottom line is that these players are open to be "friends" with about anybody. I happen to have a similar an exact match for a name of one particular player. I get friend requests from people nearly daily thinking I'm him. If I were someone like Chris Hawkins, I could simply use my laptop to enter into these kids' lives and wield my evil power. Just last week I was "befriended" by a top '11 recruit from the state. Given the recent AJ developments, I took the time to write him a message to not only tell him that I wasn't that guy, but that I didn't want to mislead him into thinking I was someone I wasn't.

In short, I don't have $1000 to give anyone for a jersey to hang on my wall.

Today's Ingredients

To wrap up, I'm just going to do something to make myself feel a little better. I hate urranjah, and I hate HillBillys. But at least they can find comfort in the fact that they're not the only ones...

h/t Wiz of Odds

I think the back of the t-shirt reads: But I have a full set of teeth.

Pay those dental insurance premiums Reader. The consequences are tragic. Have a great Monday, but be sure to come back later today when the first tailgate vlawg of the season is released. I don't know if we found out exactly what makes a cajun ragin'. But we had fun trying. 

Here's your napkin.



AthensHomerDawg said...

Thanx for the early post! It will go well with this first cup of coffee. Everyone should start their day like this.

Anonymous said...

look,homerdawg,you dont know as much as i know,i was a boyscout usher at ga when zeke was qback.ill bet you want richt to baby murray for 3 or 4 more games,heck,if your going to loose because of (who has to be bailed out this wk) you might as well turn murray loose,to me loosing by 300 is same as (1)think before you blow my statments to bit,cause big ed dawg has more fa ya (think outside the tank for a change)

Anonymous said...

look,homerdawg,you dont know as much as i know,i was a boyscout usher at ga when zeke was qback.ill bet you want richt to baby murray for 3 or 4 more games,heck,if your going to loose because of (who has to be bailed out this wk) you might as well turn murray loose,to me loosing by 300 is same as (1)think before you blow my statments to bit,cause big ed dawg has more fa ya (think outside the tank for a change)

edp8706 said...

look,homerdawg,you dont know as much as i know,i was a boyscout usher at ga when zeke was qback.ill bet you want richt to baby murray for 3 or 4 more games,heck,if your going to loose because of (who has to be bailed out this wk) you might as well turn murray loose,to me loosing by 300 is same as (1)think before you blow my statments to bit,cause big ed dawg has more fa ya (think outside the tank for a change)