As I've also mentioned, there are better places to get this kind of coverage. I'll have many of them linked up here in the morning. From there I plan to give you some pictures, some updates as well as some video of the coaches' comments. That last part should go smoothly with the app I've downloaded. But if the fax machine jams and the coaches are late coming out to the floor, I should let you know that I'm not delaying lunch!
Anyway, AHD passed this along yesterday. It's an interesting read given yesterday's news that UGA might lose a recruit who really wants to come to Athens. Georgia has had to work along with the admission rules on non-qualifiers before. And schools like Marshall often enter the mix. Remember Kent Turene? And frequently UGA is ridiculed by little brother the engiNerd over this predicament. So I thought I'd highlight the following portion of the article on "special admits":
To those that follow this closely, no real breaking news there. Except for Tech fans that make fun of UGA's student athletes' test scores. But it certainly begs the question for which is the better practice: 1) lowering the standards so far that some student athletes can't possibly keep up with their peers, or 2) Richt helping a kid find a prep school or JUCO to work on both his academics and his football skills.The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, a watchdog group, has expressed concern about institutions lowering academic requirements for many athletes but not for comparable numbers of other students who might be artists or dancers, or possess other skills.
Some of the schools' records hint at the steep challenges faced by special admits to keep pace when their academic qualifications are notably lower than other entering students.In March, Georgia Tech issued a news release announcing that the average high school GPA for all students accepted for the fall semester was 3.9.The academic profile of a group of 21 Georgia Tech special-admit football playersfrom recent years looked much different. They had a combined average high school GPA of 2.19, according to an "athletes historical report" provided in March in response to an open-records request. The players entered the university between 2005 and last year.
Five special-admit men's basketball playerslisted in Georgia Tech's report had high school GPAs ranging from 2.16 to 2.42. The group's SAT critical reading scores averaged 476, and its SAT math scores averaged 454.
Once at Georgia Tech, the five players' GPAs averaged 2.16. Two were listed in good standing and two were on academic "warning," meaning their recent performance was unsatisfactory. One was on academic probation. Three of the five were still enrolled as of 2011, according to the report.In a written statement last week, Georgia Tech told The Sun that academic advising and tutoring for athletes was moved from the Athletics Association in 2011 into the Office of the Provost, and is now the responsibility of the vice provost for undergraduate education. "The average GPA of the men's basketball and football teamshave risen steadily over that period, and no student athletes have been academically dropped or dismissed from Georgia Tech since Fall, 2010," the school's statement said.