Monday, November 18, 2013

Does Wagers' wife know he's screwing us?

$%#!! the pleasantries!
“I guess I wasn’t pleasant enough in my disagreement with what happened,” Richt said. “I didn’t do a good job.”
The penalty was an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on the Georgia bench.
“I don’t know if I’ll get in trouble for this or not, but what I saw was the ball underneath. I saw a set of legs, an Auburn player, his knees were bent kind of on the ball. His hand was free and he was trying to get his other hand in there. I saw Josh Harvey-Clemons wrapped up around the legs and the ball and everything else. I’m thinking surely he’s got possession of the ball, but the refs didn’t see it that way.”
If you want to torment yourself more, Tyler has the definitive picture.

And having watched the replay, it looked to me as if Wagers walked up and saw the same thing then patted the Auburn player's shoulder signaling their possession.

Actually, calling it "ineptitude" is giving Penn Wagers too much credit. It's flat out prejudice.