Friday, August 24, 2012

Come back baby, rock n roll never forgets

Turns out that once this year wasn't enough. I have a need to stand just outside of reaching distance of Cooley's handle of Maker's again.

I've got one last weekend before college football starts and I'm one belt loop from making Sunday night's news. For you non-Truckers, this means I'm Athens bound a week early to soak in another Rock Show at the Georgia Theater. If there's anything that can get me just as excited about heading east on 316, it's this.

All that to say the posting will be somewhat limited here until Monday. I've got some more YouTube magic in the queue and a wrap up post on the Olympics and Athens GA I forgot to hit publish on. Plus I hope to have the first installment of the sequel to Around the Tailgate on Sunday. 

But in between here and there...take me piece by piece...

I swear, that's like my own acclamation. So if you're around Lumpkin St. tonight let's raise a glass to the night's that gone too far.


Bernie said...

It's 26 miles. Zip up and zip right back.

Bernie said...

Ain't got no good intentions.