Saturday, June 30, 2012

Crowell: the epilogue

Yesterday's news wasn't so much surprising as it was disappointing. Isaiah Crowell held up a puppy and won our hearts. His reward was similar to so many other talented tailbacks that flashed in the pan that is the Georgia Bulldog backfield: his expectations were too heavy a burden.

Now I'm not making excuses for the kid. Just saying that to be the starting tailback at UGA requires broad shoulders. Although I wish him well, I don't feel sorry for Crowell. People can blather on and on about whether he got a fair shake, whether the charges will stick, or whether he ever should've been given a scholarship in the first place. Pointless exercise if you ask me. The bottom line is that here's a super talent that could've played anywhere he wanted. He had an opportunity most of us would've loved to have gotten. He could've left Athens on top of the world at best, and with a college degree at least. He leaves with nothing. And no one to blame but himself.

Moving forward, there are bigger questions for fans of the program than those surrounding Isaiah Crowell. Starting with the freshman fallout, disciplining those that were also in the car. And no, I'm not worried about the depth chart. I'm certainly not concerned with recruits that may or may not fill the slot left by Crowell. No, as we close this chapter in the ongoing saga of tailbacks in Athens I wonder if the ball that used to not be so heavy, is cursed.

For every Hearst, too many Torrin Kirtseys. For every Lars Tate, an abundance of Washaun Ealeys. For every Rodney Hampton, a slew of Robert Edwards' knees and Knowshon Moreno two and dones.

Don't show me fingers to point. I just need an answer to one question: are we ever going to get another running back that has the heart, the health and the talent to rise to our own expectations?

Maybe that's the next chapter. But right now I'm sure you can understand if I'm not holding my breath.

*sorry about the title change. Epilogue? Prologue? Late night brain fart.*


Bernie said...

My gut wants to say boo malcome although he had problems its been quiet and from whats been said hes been working hard. Even after all this fallout bloggers and posters still seam to forget he was ahead of IC in the preseason lineup. If I had to pick a back that could go unscathed through his career at this point I think I would have to go with Marshall. The kid has his head on right according to his academic performance but will his standout talent transform over to what we are expecting guess we will get to see sooner rather than later. I for one can't wait only 9 weeks to go.

Bernie said...

Hopefully the NC tandem won't let us down.

Bernie said...

I hope you're right WH. How much faith to we put in the preseason lineup? Isn't there a walk on leading for the FB spot?

Bernie said...

Bernie, great post. IC has Nuke Laloosh Disease: $1,000,000 talent with a 5-cent head. The problem is he didn't have a Crash Davis to watch out for him. I hope he can get it together to stay out of trouble. Although he ended up not meeting our expectations, we should wish him the best in whatever is next.

Bernie said...

Preseason lineup was all the talk last year when IC was at the top so i know what you mean. As for the FB goes I think we only have one true FB on scholly (ogaltree) and he's more of a running back size so not to much stock put in that lineup

Bernie said...

Clarify that last sentence no stock in the rotation plenty of stock in the players. All in on the read and black

Bernie said...

Hicks will be starting at fullback. Only question is when. Remember when CMR gushed over the LSU fullback's size? Hicks will be almost as big.

Bernie said...

Nice article Bernie. Yes, Hicks a man beast so I think fullback will be ok. I dont question Keith when it comes to off the field malarkey because he is a great kid. Im just hoping his talents on the field can equal the talent he has shown in the classroom. Gurley will be interesting as well. He definitely has the size and the talent to be a nice bruising back so Im looking forward to seeing what he can do. Boo will do his thing. I have confidence in him. Basically the running game will be fine. But we all know that its about the offensive line. If they open holes, all these guys will look like Herchel.
I just think IC hurt us because we knew the talent he had. He just couldnt let go of that thug mentality that so many of our youth embrace these days. I read his twitter once and found it appalling. I couldnt understand how our coaches would let them post such garbage. Do they read players pages? Or even recruits? I mean they say some nasty things and they even tweet horrible, disgusting lyrics from convicted criminals such as the rapper lil boosie that is beyond me. It just shows the level of maturity is not quite there with these kids like many of us would hope. Our coaches cant keep up with everyone Im sure. Plus, I was once in college and I can understand kids being kids. Trust me, going to clubs and bars is not going to stop anytime soon. The thing is you just hope and pray they make the right decisions while engaging in those activities. I wish I could tell you some stories about myself when I was coming up. Thank God I had fear in me cause I learned quick to not do any of those things anymore.
The guys in the car should be ok if they pass the drug test that Im sure they were given. They avoided arrest so thats a good thing. If any punishment is handed out I dont think it will be more than a game or two. That Missouri game is looking that much scarier.

Bernie said...

Due to injuries at TB Torrin Kirtsey was thrown in to the fray as a true freshman and was not nearly ready for the SEC. I always felt bad for the young man. IMO: That did more than anything to ruin his career. And as I recall Ray Goff was the HC back then.

Bernie said...

Torin Kirtsey couldn't stay out of trouble. Carolina wanted him until Goff told Brad Scott what he'd be getting. Last I heard he had been arrested in Florida somewhere.

Bernie said...

I spend way too much time on twitter. But I have zero interest in following most of these kids.