Friday, June 29, 2012

Crowell ends career in jail - reUPDATED

reUPDATE: Dismissed.

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On the bright side of scooters!!

No way he hurdles this mess. No. Way.
Here's the booking report.

In a school zone, with a concealed weapon and an altered ID.

See ya Crow.

UPDATE: Schlabach has more details if you want them.


Bernie said...

Where did the arrest take place, city?

Bernie said...

Athens at an East Campus traffic checkpoint. I just updated with a link to a story on it.

Bernie said...

And who else would like to enroll early next year? Come on down!!!

Bernie said...

Thank you!

Bernie said...

with this lack of depth at tb maybe derrick henry will recommit.

Bernie said...

Have fun playing prison yard pigskin Crowell. So much for the "he's really turned things around" meme. Guess he never listened to Johnny Cash "Don't take your guns to town."

Bernie said...

I'm guessing that Arthur Lynch couldn't be reached for comment, either...

Bernie said...

Hope he hires Stacey Jackson (a well known defense attorney from Columbus). That guy is good. If Isaiah names the other people that drive his car regularly, and if the gun has their prints on it but not his...he will be in the clear. If that is even close to plausible, Stacey Jackson would get him off. However, if his prints are on the gun, he is toast. If the gun has been wiped down (ie. no prints), he is also toast, but the sentence may not be as severe. He WILL snitch if he is truly innocent here.

Bernie said...

Let's not forget...the cop said she smelled marijuana. I'm sure urine tests have already been administered to all five players that were in the car. Even if Crowell somehow beats the weapons charge, if he fails another drug test, he's done.

Bernie said...

Damn Bernie.... we just can't get out of our own way can we?