Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's Meatloaf - Doppler Radars and Grammys Gone Bad

There's snow scheduled for tonight. And when I say the word scheduled what I mean is it is time for the local weather pundits to do their fair share to boost ratings while causing mass hysteria at local Krogers and Publixes across the state.

Snow even makes snowmen suicidal.
I hate snow. I live in Georgia for a reason and that is so I can enjoy some 70 degree afternoons 12 months of the calendar year. Snow is for people who drink "pop" and enjoy Howard Dean screaming. Howard Dean wouldn't know a bowl of grits from a Gallup poll's hard data. But I bet he can shovel a driveway in January.

Mrs. Bernie and I shoveled our driveway last January. I can report that it is good exercise. Other than that I hope to never have to do it again. Aside from the fact that it's cold and labor intensive work, I don't have the all the necessary tools to do it effectively. Namely, an actual snow shovel and clothing suited for sub-freezing temperatures. A transfer shovel and a pair of cold, soggy gloves must suffice. Again, I hate snow.

Back to the weather guys and their stoopid doppler weather crystal balls that can't predict the day of the week much less the amount of snow fall or even if it will actually fall at all. I think they're secretly leftover milk men from the days when milk was delivered door to door. They get a hankerin' every now and again to boost sales so they drop four letter words and malicious phrases like "snow" and "cold front" and "icy conditions".

Bastards. I hope their Valentine gives them a cold kick in the danglies.

Today's Ingredients

KCP coming of age

  • Speaking of which, programming note: be sure to tune in tomorrow for our annual last minute Valentine's Day shopping ideas for that special Dawggette in your life.
  • Another great win Saturday for the Hoop Dawgs in taking down a ranked Bizzaro dog squad on the road.
  • Mr. Sanchez wonders where this team came from. Tyler thinks they were spawned from whatever came from Fox's mouth in Knoxville.
  • Last week Coach Fox received a commitment from JJ Frazier of Ludowici GA. From Hedges to Hardwood takes a look at the much needed point guard.
  • Interesting post by JHD on what happened with the ones that got away on NSD.
  • Out in exile, Toothpick tells us who will eventually succeed Richt as coach at UGA.
  • The deadline for Hartman Fund donations is Wednesday. And Garbin gives us a little incentive towards contributing. I mean, you wouldn't want to miss the next time the faculty goes bonkers.
  • Hey engiNerds. Some shame dripped into your trombone there

Seen here visiting their favorite vacation
spot, Fulton Co Court.
The things I learned from Whitney Houston's life can be summed up as such: 1) I can't sing worth a damn, 2) I shouldn't use crack cuz it's bad for you and can ruin a good career and 3) Bobby Brown is a lot like crack.

As I was forced to watch hours of footage with "reporters" basically saying nothing except that she had passed away, it dawned on me just how much Houston had changed the landscape of how performers approach the singing of our National Anthem. She put that thing on another level. Ever since that 1991 Super Bowl lesser artists have either attempted to recreate that magic or just fallen on their face miserably before even memorizing the lyrics.

That's right, Whitney Houston could defeat flag burning communists too. With her voice, non-violently, with or without a symphony. But now we're forced to wait for the next voice that can transcend all others' talents. Just like her own once illustrious career, Whitney ain't coming back. Instead we're left with journalistic hacks that continually run the same file footage while "trying not to speculate" on the cause of death for this troubled star that had long battled addiction and may have last been seen by her boyfriend but was no where near her abusive ex-spouse. 

CNN and MSNBC anchors were once local weather persons, I'm sure of it. But you dear Reader, you're alright with me. Here's some meatloaf with 100% chance of a napkin. Cuz you're gonna need it.



Bernie said...

regarding snow shoveling, it took me a few years but I finally learned that much like having the right tool for the job, one must have the right shovel for the particular type of snow.  Sadly I now own 3 snow shovels and one snow broom.
I could go on and on about what snow requires which shovel but its all so very sad that I even know this stuff now. So I'll just say I've learned 3 truths about snow shoveling in general since being in exile:

1) shoveling a driveway at 6am is indeed good exercise
2) if you get lazy on the shovel, the snow turns to ice and at 40, that aint no good for your back, or mother in law traction 
3) shoveling snow does indeed suck much worse than a fine 58degree Georgia morning

Looking forward to the day I can retire the shovel collection.
Thanks for the meatloaf.

Bernie said...

regarding snow shoveling, it took me a few years but I finally learned that much like having the right tool for the job, one must have the right shovel for the particular type of snow.  Sadly I now own 3 snow shovels and one snow broom.
I could go on and on about what snow requires which shovel but its all so very sad that I even know this stuff now. So I'll just say I've learned 3 truths about snow shoveling in general since being in exile:

1) shoveling a driveway at 6am is indeed good exercise
2) if you get lazy on the shovel, the snow turns to ice and at 40, that aint no good for your back, or mother in law traction 
3) shoveling snow does indeed suck much worse than a fine 58degree Georgia morning

Looking forward to the day I can retire the shovel collection.
Thanks for the meatloaf.
regarding snow shoveling, it took me a few years but I finally learned that much like having the right tool for the job, one must have the right shovel for the particular type of snow.  Sadly I now own 3 snow shovels and one snow broom.I could go on and on about what snow requires which shovel but its all so very sad that I even know this stuff now. So I'll just say I've learned 3 truths about snow shoveling in general since being in exile:1) shoveling a driveway at 6am is indeed good exercise2) if you get lazy on the shovel, the snow turns to ice and at 40, that aint no good for your back, or mother in law traction 3) shoveling snow does indeed suck much worse than a fine 58degree Georgia morningLooking forward to the day I can retire the shovel collection.Thanks for the meatloaf.Displaced DawgLike

Bernie said...

So there are at least three different types of snow shovels? And yet we only have two varieties of screwdrivers. Well, three if you include the cocktail.

Anonymous said...

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