Sunday, November 27, 2011

Videos, pics from the Flats

Some pics and videos I took yesterday. Not surprisingly, Dawg fans represented well on the road and the Redcoats kicked some ass.

Missed most of what they played, but according to Brian it is the Tech band's tradition to scurry around the stadium and sneak up on opposing fans and play a tune at them. Nerds.

Beginning of the 4th quarter.

After the game Aron White took the honor of leading the band.

I'll try and have some more posted later. Lastly, here's the team bus passing the Bernie mobile heading east on State Champions.


AthensHomerDawg said...

The Dawgs are now the State Champs of Georgia.... Tennessee.... and Mississippi!

Bernie said...

So...we run this region!

Streit said...

At about the 15 second mark, you hear one of the people in the band say, "How rude."  It was totally my step brother.

Bernie said...

Really!?! Well I'm sure he left with a smile on his face too. Was a great day on North Avenue.