Friday, September 2, 2011

Trivial Update - Tricky lil Smurfs

#ThursdaysRTrivial will resume right after this PSA: that guy could really spread the red!! But only for 1st half. #Dawgs

#ThursdaysRTrivial episode 72 "Fool me once..." Welcome back everybody! It's the weekly Twitter Twivia show that always has something up its sleeve. REPLY back your answer for a chance at an ACTUAL prize. The Broncos are known for their trick plays. What BSU receiver completed all 4 of his passes for 2 TDs last season?

For the second week of three Skelly has provided the actual prize. Here's the way this one played out:

So, returning champion Shan gets the tunes. Meanwhile everyone else up there gets a vial of Gargamel's potion. (Unless you'd all rather have some D.A.'s special purple drank.)


Kevin said...

Took a shot in the dark.

Bernie said...

Every Dawg has his day.

AthensHomerDawg said...

I remember that clip. My kids were into smurfs and the grandparents did the pajama thing. Thankful that Lion King ruled and we went from Smurfs to a full on Lion King room with the whole bed spread motif. Domino's pizza and Lion King Party on away games. Seriously, doesn't get much better. ;-)