Friday, January 7, 2011

Uga VIII is about to bite Lymphoma in the ass

Robert Baker got off easy with Uga V. Our newly appointed mascot Uga VII has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Stay firm Dawg fans. It's never rained harder. Time to hunker down. And when you bend a knee tonight, send one up for the Seiler family and their Damn Good Dawg!


Stephen said...

Well Said. Well Said Indeed.

Pumpdawg said...

Heard about this earlier today. All I can say is damn,what's next?Haven't hollered in a while.How you been Bernie?

Bernie said...

Thanks Dawg Stephen. We've had to endure a sick family dog in the last few years. It's never easy. I hope the Seilers are handling this better than my girls' daddy did.

Pump...been real well...except for losing a lot of football games. Blogging was a lot easier before KiffyBaby left town. *sniff*

AthensHomerDawg said...

I suppose PETA will be out in force pushing a mechanical bulldog or something equally foolish.