Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday's Meatloaf - Ohhhh, That Smell...

Whiskey bottles and brand new cars...oak tree you're in my way.

It happens once a year, almost always in the summer. When else, really? You're minding your own business and it hits're ready for football season. For me it happened Friday just as I was rounding the big oak tree in our neighborhood that stands as the beginning of the homestretch for my cardio routine.

Of course, we end each season ready for more, we are Dawgs after all. But I'm talking about truly ready. We've all uttered the words God would football season finally get here? and we've all passed the Weber grills and the cornhole boards in the garage and sighed, audibly.

And we've all perked up a little when we hear our own Battle Hymn ringtone. Or we've paused a little longer than usual as we pass that picture in the office of Sanford Stadium. Double sigh.

But this feeling brings with it an uncanny sense of joy; a very real pep in your step. You can smell the tailgate heating up, can hear the thwump of the bean bags on the boards. You can hear a gathering of fans wonder who's that comin' down the tracks. You can see mean Russ settle the family heirlooms on a bag of ice. AJ Green catches every ball in warm ups. 

Then suddenly the trumpet rings out from the southwest corner. I can hear it now. Clean, crisp...clearly amplified and full of Georgia Glory...

Nearly down to 50 days Reader. Can you smell it?

Today's Ingredients
  • Of course, my elation at smelling some gridiron Friday turned into stomach indigestion Saturday morning with the news from Athens Clarke County jail.
  • Coach Richt doled out the bad news for his players' turbulence this weekend. As long they don't get caught emerging from any alleys...Jackson would be back in the middle of October for Vandy and King would be ready for the trip to Chickumbia. UPDATE: news gets worse. More later.
  • Having already picked Georgia to beat Arkansas this fall, former Dawg baller Steve Newman goes more in depth into how the game will play out.
  • AuditDawg took a seat at the DawgSports desk and told us where he comes from.
  • Earl counted down to one of Georgia's all-time best athletes yesterday, Robert Edwards.
  • Bill King wants to know which game will be the hardest for the Dawgs this know, other than floriDuh.
  • I agree with The Senator that Georgia has nothing to be ashamed of in Phil Steele's decade analysis. We should be even more impressed by what Richt has done in December and January.
  • Every night is Ladies' Night at Bar Knoxville. So was Da'Rick wearing pumps or heels? Meanwhile the investigation continues.
  • Paschall tells us that the coaches are gonna have to kick it up a notch in Hoover if they're to keep up with the players this summer.
  • That sound you heard yesterday was the vuvuzela dying a slow death. The end of the World Cup means two things: Justin Beaver can re-assume his place atop the Twitter Twending Twopics...and Paul becomes calamari.
  • It's usually a good practice to keep one's distance from the media. But does this mean global warming talk has officially cooled off? h/t Bluegrass Pundit
  • Lastly, some good stuff coming up on the blog as we go through our own summer workouts. Plan to have a month by month break down of the season as well as some positional exploration. There's surely some good stuff to come out of Hoover next week. And we'll also have an exit interview for David Hale as he packs up his Bulldogs Blog. That should at least get us to two-a-days...

Last Monday we were embarrassed by the image of Damon's mugshot and the police report that read too close to a penthouse forum (...or so I'm told Honey...). Today, embarrassed again by a story that has become all too familiar. Football player arrested...DUI...indefinite suspensions.

For Damon, the next step will certainly come. Last week I prophesized and (after placing my tongue in cheek) suggested Evans might end up at Southern Miss with Eustachy...they could share a Pabst. Well, Weiszer uses juxtaposition much better than I do in this nice story

Wherever Damon ends up, the grass may not be greener at first and it probably won't be outlined with english privet. But it'll be a start. And as for Jackson and King and their next start....that ball's in their court. Hopefully they (or anyone else for that matter) don't give Richt reason to wield anymore discipline.

As for you Reader, use a disciplined fork and enjoy your lunch.


1 comment:

Mackie said...

I can almost hear the Hellfire & Damnation coming from the preacher outside of Tate!