Friday, April 2, 2010

Trivial Update - Mackie Knows Campo

ThursdaysRTrivial ep. 39 is coming up after this PSA: E*Trade is for milkaholics.

#ThursdaysRTrivial episode 39 “Fuh….fuh…fuh….Foolin!” Happy April Fools Day Tweeps! And welcome to the weekly Twivia show that always brings more showers than flowers. REPLY back your answer for a chance at a fabulous prize. What AJC commenter will forever live in glorious infamy for his (her...??) efforts one year ago today?

Knowing this would be a difficult one to tweet in on, I decided to provide a few hints every 30 minutes or so...
  • Hint no. 1: this guy's definitely not on Terence Moore's Christmas card list.
  • Hint no. 2: he supposedly is 12 yrs old and wants a bike.
  • Hint no. 3: at first he seemed really inspired by Moore's writing. But his dad is definitely not a fan.
It's been a while since Mackie had thrown on a pair of pants and graced the limelight of TrT, 16 episodes to be exact. But give the kid credit, he comes up big on the difficult ones.

For recognizing a Mike Campo reference after he reads a few, Mackie gets a beautiful bright red shiny Schwinn. Now as he rides to work with the wind in his hair...

Well, he can feel the wind at least. Good job Mack.

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