Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Home Sweet Home...Athens

Crai S Bower has a piece up on authentic college towns that speaks very highly of Athens (h/t Cojones). It likely won't tell you anything you don't already know about our favorite city, but it's worth a read just to compare Athens to the other cities on his list. As Cojones pointed out, no other SEC stops make the cut.

In fact, it becomes clear that Bower is trying to select a college town from nearly every area of the US. For 17 year olds looking to further their education in a warm climate with a great music scene, Athens is beyond intriguing. Hopefully, it's especially intriguing to those 17 year olds who also have an innate ability to produce touchdowns on Saturdays....

Being an Athens native, I knew exactly what I was getting when I decided North Campus was where I wanted to take my collegiate naps. For my wife, it was to get someplace far away (but not too far) from home that was also warm. What first drew you to the Classic City? 

And what brings you back?


Ollllddude said...

Interesting subject, and one I think about often because in my case the factors as to why went here aren't very inspirational unless you believe in kismet. I am drawn back here because I live here, and I live here because my wife wants to work and live here. But neither of us had any prior history or attraction to Athens before attending UGA.

When I was in high school I was on the debate team and attended workshops at Emory in the summer, and thought Emory was the best school I had a chance to attend. Plus, the man I worked for was an Emory grad, and he offered to pay my tuition there if I would go there and work for him while I was in school. My father was a gator who actually graduated, and so I could also have gone there. And in the 60s the hot football school was more Tech than it was UGA (although that was starting to change). So, I had more natural reasons to go many other places.

But UGA was cheap - less than $200.00 a quarter for tuition - and it was away from home, and that was what did it for me. My wife came because I came, and she had even less of a reason to be here than me, but there was no place she had more reason to be at (except maybe Notre Dame, but I don't think they were co-ed at the time).

On the other hand, once you are here, it is hard to leave. You only leave if you have to, and then you spend the rest of your life trying to get back as often as possible.

Bernie said...

On the other hand, once you are here, it is hard to leave. You only leave if you have to, and then you spend the rest of your life trying to get back as often as possible.

Amen to that. Thanks for sharing. It's always nice to see a great town get some good PR. What a great tool for CMR and others to pull out of the recruiting tool box.