Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The BDB VIP Room

Added a widget last night that will now allow you to access the most recent Dawg highlights right here at my humble blawg. I was able to select three teams for the media player, so now we can keep an eye on the comings and goings in gayturdsville as well as AwwBarn. As a bonus it has other SEC highlights too.

My guess is you'll see this feature added to other blogs as well in the near future. So if you can't stand my posts but love the shiny bling to your left, no worries. I just feel fortunate to have been able add this feature despite my criticisms of the new rules governing SEC media coverage.

Anyway, enjoy some sweet highlights of Travis Leslie and Jeremy Price from Saturday night as you peruse some of the crappiest blog posts this side of North Campus. Or choose Full Screen mode and sit back like a true VIPer.

Just don't prop your dirty boots up on the desk there. Thanks...


BulldogBry said...

widget is awesome. absolute. time. killer.

Damn you.

Bernie said...

Bry...you're welcome!