Monday, February 9, 2009

Miami to NOT Name Martinez Defensive Coordinator

Hurricane Willie Never Threatened

When Miami defensive coordinator Bill Young left Coral Gables on January 20th to return to his alma mater, a Miami Herald reporter stirred up the Athens and Atlanta area blogosphere by saying Georgia DC Willie Martinez would be on the Randy Shannnon short list.

And while fingers were lines were, silent.

Even as Shannon hinted that he would be inclined to run the defense himself should he not find a viable candidate, Dawg fans who were filled with ire towards the embattled Georgia DC were volunteering to pack Martinez's bags. Seemingly oblivious to the truth before their eyes, they continued to spew forth stats as if it
was a foregone conclusion that CMR would look away as his good friend was lured away.

Shannon never even baited the hook.

According to sources (you know, the ones with actual relevant information), Miami is set to hire UNC's John Lovett as its new defensive coordinator. Shannon gets to maintain one personality, CMR keeps his staff intact and Hurricane Willie never produced more than a gentle rain shower. 

Lastly, it's interesting to me that Barry Jackson of the Miami Herald, the one who broke the Willie to UM story wide open (ahem!) wasn't the one to report on the John Lovett discussion.


Mackie said...

I figured Richt wouldn't let him leave even if he had been offered. If I know my luck (and I think I do) UGA will have one of the best defenses in the SEC this year. For which the world can expect an public apology to Willie Mart from myself. Blogging, like pimping,

...ain't easy.

Bernie said...

...someone told me the pay was better...??

Mackie said...

Doing what you love makes the government cheese taste better.