Friday, October 14, 2016

the Friday Misery is COMING HOME

Been under the weather and this is the best I can manage. Please file your complaints here. Thanks.

One thing to say
I'm ready to reach for the pylon.
I'm ready to shout to the Heavens.
I'm ready to hear the Bell.
I'm ready to bring the Payne.
I'm ready to put their ball carrier BEHIND the sticks.
I'm ready to give my all.
I'm ready to call the Dawgs.
I'm ready to ATTACK THE DAY!
Yes, I'm ready to persevere.

I'm ready to beat Vandy.

Please bow your heads...Dear Lord, bless the Redcoats and the forward pass. But please, please let us run free on Homecoming. Amen and Go Dawgs y'all!