Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Thoughts on returning the favor

Good God in Heaven that felt nice. A couple decades after he rubbed our noses in it, Coach Richt's team, powered by All-SEC talent and 90+ thousand fans, gives Spurrier and his gamecocks 52 things to ponder deeply over on the ride back to Columbia.

Everyone is on a different level than I've ever experienced as a Georgia fan.

- The fans, both at the game and everywhere else I encounter them, are louder and prouder. And the student section leads the way. On a night that was enjoyable from so many different angles, this might have been my favorite when the students started jumping up and down willy-brice style:
- The team is a unit of well-trained gridiron assassins.

- And the coaches are ahead of the game on the field.

Soon I will sit down and rewatch it. From there it will be time to come back down to Earth and focus on the fact that the season is still so young.

But for now, I think I'll spend a few more moments soaking up the scene, the wondrous red and black sights and sounds, that played out before my eyes last evening.

Go Dawgs!