Sunday, August 24, 2014

With anther backup turned starting QB, can lightning strike twice?

Hutson Mason is hoping so.
Mason has been pointing to this season since the moment he sent Shockley that text in January 2012, revealing that he had decided not to transfer. He would stay, redshirt that season, then be in position to replace Aaron Murray for the 2014 season.
It worked out, and here we are, the fate of Georgia’s offense now resting on Mason’s right arm. As the season has drawn closer, Mason has found himself reflecting often on his decision to stay. Sometime at morning or night or during his prayers, he does some reflecting.
“Just kind of meditate on what I’ve been through, what I want to accomplish,” Mason said. “The legacy that this team and I can leave, as far as doing something so special, as D.J. did.”

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