Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tech's Walkosky leaves staff

The engiNerds lose their special teams coordinator (h/t Jason). Not sure if he was unimpressed by the spring game's weather, its attendance, looking for greener pastures, or was just plain old fired.

Here's more from the AJC:
The separation appears to have been unexpected, catching employees within the athletic department by surprise Friday. Asked for comment by text message, coach Paul Johnson deferred to Walkosky. The reticence of Johnson and others to comment or offer insight suggests that the circumstances of the job change were not typical.
Appears to have caught the hometown paper off guard as well. Not that that is unusual. Regardless, Walkosky leaving isn't minor news as he was really revamped Tech's special teams in his two seasons.

Curious, huh? I can smell the oil heating up in Coach Fish Fry's office.