Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hate week - sexy nerdy time!


Presented without comment....except that this is probably the same guy that's spouting off about fictitious higher academic standards and pretending the North Ave Trade School has never, never ever, never ever ever had a football player arrested and complaining that his mother's tater tots are too cold dammit!! and his character on World of Warcraft could "sooooo rush for a trillion billion yards against Alabama's defense AND Georgia's AT THE SAME TIME!!" and wearing a depends diaper because that increases his "productivity" on Stingtalk and then "OMGHERD!!! PAUL JOHNSON ACCEPTED MY FRIEND REQUEST!!! #theMigration" and "we're going to beat thUGA like it's 2010...oops!, I mean 2008 cuz that's when we beat them so bad by three points OMG I'm gonna write that on Coach Johnson's wall!!" and then it's 10 am and it's time to get ready to clock in at Kinko's....

...before coming home drunk on Mountain Dew and 5hr Energys and doing shit like this...