Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hotline redux - Greene fires back at the "king"

It was water under the bridge as far as I was concerned. And I've been told an apology has been issued over the airwaves. Whatevs. But you knew regardless that the post game presser would come up at least once on the weekly call in show. And even Coach Richt's absence wasn't enough to keep the issue down for long.
Mitchell in Baxley thanks Coach Richt and says the players are champions in his book. Challenges the underclassmen to come back and finish the job. Also says the reporter who asked the question (about not winning the big games), if he asked him the question he’d be picking up his teeth. Greene says it’s a shame that in this day and time it’s cool to be disrespectful and people feel they can say whatever they want; that they have the right to question Coach Richt and Aaron Murray on why they can’t win the big game. If he were Coach Richt he would put it back on him as the “analyst” to break it down. Anyone who understands football and has played football can understand that it’s more than one guy that determines the outcome of the football game. No question the quarterback has a big part in that. But if you watched that football game (Saturday night) then you know that it was not won or lost solely because of Aaron Murray. Twenty years ago no one asked questions like that and nowadays people feel entitled to answers, feel like they can say whatever they want. Says maybe he’s more “old school”. Thinks Coach Richt handled it about as well as he possibly could given that situation. People don’t realize in January at 5am these guys are getting up just to get the opportunity to play on Saturdays in the Fall. Nothing is given to them. They’re not even guaranteed to win a game. They’re getting up, putting in time and working out just to get to run out and play for Georgia. To go out and put your heart and soul on the field, play as hard as you can against a very good opponent just to have someone come out and say “Well, it’s never good enough.” One of the messages he gives to the young people he talks to is to tune that out because there are people everywhere that are telling you you’re not good enough. You just have to play within yourself and keep going. Apologizes for getting on his “soapbox” a little bit. Scott says that’s alright.
This lengthy response by David Greene adds an extra layer of intrigue because Oliver was employed at South Gwinnett when Greene was in high school. That's not to say the two are close. In fact it appears Greene is distancing himself without even mentioning any connection or even Oliver's name.

Anyway, glad the douchebag eventually owned up to his shortsightedness. Although I'm sure the producers there are appreciative of the ratings boost.



Mr. Oliver has lost my listening time - go 790 the Zone! www.wedgeorgia.com

DawgFood said...

David Greene has the most wins as a QB at UGA and post career he wins for having the hottest wife in the ATL last Friday night! Yes sir! David learned #GATA at UGA and has applied it to life after football.