Monday, November 12, 2012

Who was the Jarvis Jones' scapegoat?

It was a rough week to be a grad assistant. Tommy Tuberville bitch slapped his special teams coordinator Saturday following a penalty. And then excused it away as simple sideline management. But even before that, Lane Kiffin fired the graduate asst. that maliciously deflated footballs to give his team a competitive edge against Oregon.

Which got me thinking...has KiffyBaby found a scapegoat for cutting loose the best player in America? Because these stats have to be making him sick to his stomach.

And as tbia pointed out the other day, this after missing two complete games.

(Just for kicks and giggles, remember to route all thank you cards to Kiffin through Knoxville. I hear they might be looking for a Peaches and Herb moment once Gruden turns them down.)