Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tech: gameday edition

Keys to the game:
  1. Last year we won because of turnovers. This year we have the personnel to stop their vaunted rushing attack, most notably the dive play that tore us up a year ago. Stop the dive and make Washington eat dirt every play. Do those two things defensively and we can all but chalk this up as a victory...
  2. ...if we also protect the football.
  3. Find a running game. Was Crowell's injury serious enough to keep him out of yet another game? Is Richt desperate enough to run the football that he gives Thomas yet another chance? If neither of those two are an option, did Harton eat enough turkey to gain 4 inches and 50 pounds?
Different year, similar candles:
If you've been here reading my words for awhile you know that my birthday always falls around the end of hateweek. As a result I tend to have the same birthday wish each year. And for the last decade Coach Richt has helped me blow the crap outta those candles. In 2002 I actually hyperventilated all the way to a 34-0 halftime lead and needed an oxygen mask the rest of the way.

This year is a little different. I still want that win against Tech. Believe me, that's not a gift I'm ever going to ask for the return receipt. But I'd also like a whiff of Munson's victory cigar. Because then I'll know that we're going to the Dome next week as State Champions.

Have a great day Reader. If you're around North Avenue, look for me. I'll be the one barking in black.

Go Dawgs!


Bulldog Bry said...

Taking my oldest to her first collegiate sporting event ever today (not counting G-Day). She will finally understand why it's called Mark Richt Field. Also, having lived her entire life in a small town, it will be the largest collection of nerds she has ever seen.

Happy birthday, Bernie and GO DAWGS!!!!!

NamamaN said...

Counting on you to bark us to VICTORY B! I will be hanging with the Optimist (& Pessimist) working on a variety of growlers in Avondale... And happy early B-day to you! Glad you made it back safely from your Thanksgiving travels...

Bernie said...

Thank you sir! I hope your daughter enjoyed her first game. Have a safe trip back to Hokie land.

Bernie said...

Thank you sir! I hope your daughter enjoyed her first game. Have a safe trip back to Hokie land.

Bernie said...

Thanks Nama!