Friday, June 24, 2011

Drive by Truckers on Letterman

In case you're also a fan and missed it, here's "Everybody Needs Love" from Go-Go Boots as performed the other night on Letterman. There's also an encore at the end that Dave specifically requested for the audience. It's the best part of the clip.

Enjoy. (h/t Ron)


Ollllddude said...

Their producer, David Barbe, is also running the music business program at the Terry College. Oddly, Letterman referred to them as being 'from Alabama'. True, many in the band have Alabama roots, but I think of it as being at least as much of an Athens band as REM, B-52s, or Widespread Panic. Still, it was a good appearance.

Bernie said...

Didn't know that about Barbe. I'll share that with my favorite Terry COllege product, Mrs. Bernie. That's cool. I've liked most all of Athens' music, but the Truckers are easily my favorite.

Scott said...

Hey going to the Georgia Theater show in August? I will be at the Saturday night show...would love to meet up if you are going.

Bernie said...

My status is still up in the air. But I'm desperate to go and will certainly hit you up if the clouds break open for me.