Saturday, June 18, 2011

Beer of the Week: Small Craft Warning

Intro: First off, I'm thrilled some of you are enjoying this feature. I've enjoyed the feedback, both public and semi-private. I hope it's helped some explore some other brew options. Life's too short for one beer.

And for those of you that are tired of this post, you might get a brief reprieve as my Friday/Saturday time will be short the next couple weeks due to travel and vacation. And of course, football is now like 76 days away...

BotW: Today, an imperial pilsner, or Über Pils - Heavy Seas Über Pils. Clipper City is an incredible brewery. We've covered my fascination for IPAs and theirs are all really good (Loose Cannon, Black Cannon, Dubbel Cannon). But if this post is to ever make national syndication I better feature some different types.

So this was an easy pick. Plus I just happened to have one hiding last night in the back of my beer fridge. If you are used to (and grew up drinking) a lot of Miller and Bud, you're going to love this beer type and definitely this brew. If you're a steadfast "mainstream" beer drinker (and somehow you've stuck with this post this long), believe me...I get ya. And there ain't nothing wrong with a can of Budweiser, imho.

But just give this one a try. The tastes will blow you away. It's a fresh pilsner with a definitive complexity. By that I mean it gives you a pilsner experience, but the uber part of it definitely gets hoppy. In fact, if you're not into a lot of hops, you probably won't appreciate this brew. Instead of your average run of the mill hops and malts that you get from the grovery store aisle, Small Craft has a carefully refined mixture that is both complex and smooth. The result is a solid brew that packs a pirate sized punch (7% ABV, which is nearly two cans of Bud). I tend to line up a variety of craft beers when I drink them, but this is one I could consume a six pack of. Or maybe four and then a nap in a hammock swing.

In short, this isn't at all a watery pilsner. But it's more than smooth and drinkable enough to quench your thirst, over and over. If you like pilsners and are also fond of IPAs, go grab a sixer. If you're uncertain, find this one on draft to try it out first.

And if you don't like it, I'll refund your money. Just tell the bartender Bernie said "Wassup!".

Final Notes: Small Craft Warning is available year round, but can probably be a little difficult to find. Again, Beverage Superstore carries a lot of Heavy Seas. And I would highly recommend following Kevin on Twitter. He's their southern rep and can surely help you find their treasure.

Also, if you are in the near of somewhat close proximity of Suwanee GA (north Gwinnett, not far off I-85) you should really consider coming out to the Suwanee Beer Festival July 23rd. It's being held in Town Center Park with 120 different beers. Plus plenty of family friendly events outside the ropes in case your wife and kids want to come along. Click the link and check it out. And if you do come out, be sure to arrange your transportation afterwards. They'll have cabs lined up and ready, btw.

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