Saturday, November 20, 2010

And now a word from our sponsors...

A little over a year ago I piloted the new XoS Digital SEC Video Zone widget. It's taken a while for me to renew that agreement, partly because the last one had some issues that have since been worked out...but mostly due to laziness.

Anyway, it's back up as you can probably tell. They've taken away the auto-play feature, so it should only play and interrupt your reading experience if you choose to. I've also noticed that it seems to load more quickly; last year it seemed to bog things down a bit. It requires a flash player, so I doubt it's usable on handheld devices and smart phones. Unless yours is smarter than mine.

I'll try to make an announcement via Twitter or post if they air something other than highlights, such as a Mark Fox interview after advancing to the Sweet Sixteen.

Most of all, if you have any problems with it, please don't hesitate to let me know: berniedawg (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

Secondly, not sure how much posting I'll get to this weekend. Depends how easily the kids' treehouse goes up. Smells like a bye weekend to me!

1 comment:

AthensHomerDawg said...

Tree house? Well is it still true? Things take twice as long to do than you planned? ;-)