Picked up this nugget from Weiszer's blog pertaining to a new era of nutrition. Rex Bradberry has been promoted from a simple GA on CMRs staff to the role of Sports Nutritionist.
At least some of this new attitude seems to stem from the staff's recent visit to Blacksburg. Maybe this means we can expect less of the late season fashion gimmicks in Jax and more of a team that is fit and ready to play football.“I think we’ve done a tremendous job of getting our guys prepared for the season, but I think in season we’ve maybe had some guys that have lost some weight...What we’ve learned is the biggest part is the nutritional aspect of it. We’ve got to make sure that we’re feeding these guys right.” - Coach Richt
Bradberry is a former walk-on under Jim Donnan who has worked as a part of the strength and conditioning staff and even was David Pollack's personal trainer in Cincinnati before his injury. He has a bachelor's degree in Health Education and Exercise Science, a master's in Sports Studies and a PhD in Kinesiology.
Look no further than Jeff Owen for lack of any nutritional eating. Jeff never saw fast food he wouldn't eat.
The part of his resume that sold me: "was David Pollack's personal trainer in Cincinnati before his injury."
Pollack is a nutrition & fitness expert. That speaks well of Ray to have been associated w/ David.
However....unless he can find a way to mandate their meal plan and watch these guys 24-7 i'm not sold that this will be the answer.
Clearly we need a complete culture change in our Strength & Conditioning Program. And that won't happen w/ just one new nutritional, 9-5 hire. Unless CMR is finally willing to make some BIG changes necessary (and he's not just yet) then we will most certainly not see the dramatic changes necessary.
Nice step forward, but hardly an answer to our big problems.
I'm sorry Ally.... was not firing the entire defensive staff a BIG change? Saying Richt isn't ready to make big changes sounds a bit ridiculous. He just fired his best friend.
I'd give them some time to show the difference on the field before you just start making broad statements like "the entire S&C staff needs to be fired." Dave Van Halanger didn't get to where he is by not knowing what he is doing.
Van Halanger is the guy who came to UGA with Richt and helped to win two SEC championships and get to a third, as well as helped the 2007 team get to 2nd in the nation. Before that he was considered one of the best in the nation while at FSU helping them to 2 national titles, 14 straight top 5 finishes. Find a guy with that type resume and I'll be happy to have him take Van Halanger's place.
I would guess that Herc was a great physical specimen who never tired. We should look at his mainstay diet and use that as a basic food for all our athletes. What was that food called?...let's see.. oh! Now I remember...
HAMBURGERS!! Lots of'em!
It wasn't just hamburgers. I watched him consume mass quantities of Oreos on several occasions. Of course, he was doing sit-ups the whole time he ate them.
I am surprised by the number of responses to this post. It seems like a no-brainer to me: Maybe it isn't a "complete culture change" but hey, it is a change, one that is surely positive, and hey, it's not as though we have completely sucked. I like it, but I don't expect it to me more than what it is.
Watch Dawg: Did you miss the part in my response where i SPECIFICALLY said the big changes needed are in the Strength & Conditioning Program??? The changes Richt made on Defense do not affect what happens under CVH's dept. Clearly you're not aware of what happened between Searles & CVH last year...
And Dawgfan17- What CVH did 20 years ago, hell even 5 years ago, is irrelevant to today. Just as how we won SECC's 5 years ago is irrelevant to the SEC today. Get it? All you did was prove he's inching closer to retirement.
Like i said, it's a great hire, but certainly not enough. And again, unless Ray can figure out a way to keep athletes out of Burger King & Waffle House in-season, i don't expect his hire to make that much of a difference. Is that really such a unfathomable opinion?
Geesh. You guys are sensitive (*kidding*)
Go Dawgs!
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