Friday, November 13, 2009

Who's That Comin'...week eleven

Tailgate Predictions
  • Unlike KiffyBaby's eco friendly freshmen...Houston Nutt guzzles gasoline, scoffs at the Prius and then gets Giggity.
  • The dookies are getting ten and a kicker against the nerds. And I'm here to tell ya they'll cover!!....going into halftime. Then PJ spreads the jelly.
  • I like the moustache over the irish elephant. Navy opened the wound, Pitt pours the salt.
  • Kentucky at Vandy...well, who the hell really cares?
  • Clempson at NC State after a big Bowden Bowl .5 win...used to be a trap game. But Tommy don't drive that tractor no more...
  • Iowa at Ohio State...well, who the hell really cares?
  • FloriDuh coming to William's Lice Stadium is the kind of game fans in Chickumbia used to salivate over. Now...they can save their Saturday nights as bath night again. Slurban meanwhile continues to bathe in his own malevolence.

Trivial Update
Q - In 1986 the Plainsmen turned the hoses on us after a 20-16 win. But starting QB James Jackson didn't start since he was at his grandmother's funeral. Who started in his place?
A - Wayne Johnson

Another week, another muscle flexed by @allyugadawg. @JeremyRoyAdams @Shainam and @TNRLM followed suit. @BPMackie and @MikeInValdosta sang pretty good harmony.

So everyone gets their very own 12 inches of hose and a dry towel autographed by Pat Dye and Ally adds a bottle of cough syrup from Toomer's Drugs. Let's hope she doesn't have to loan it to our beloved Dawgs after coughing up the football tomorrow night.

Studio Analysis

This is a game that should end up in the win column. At 5-4 in early November, the emphasized word should carries with it the never ending possibility of turnovers and penalties which continuously shoot my enthoosiasms in the foot.

I expect the vampiric Joe Cox to reemerge and take advantage of a successful ground game to torch an AwwBarn defense for both yards and points. You gotta figure AJs pretty hungry.

Unfortunately, I also expect a lot of scoring from Chizzy and Co. As MaconDawg pointed out earlier this week, there are a number of reasons Malzahn is the equivalent of 'Ol Willie's kryptonite...sorry, bad analogy. I guess in short, I see this closer to the 31-30 tilt in the plainsmen's favor back in '05 than the 17-14 score that went our way last year west of Opelika.

If there's any plus side for Willie it will be that the War Kittens (h/t to all my voters this week) don't steal this one on a 4th down against a please tackle them after they catch the ball defense. In fact, this game is won on special teams. 69 - 13 - 57...separately, just numbers. But put together they're a winning combination.

So...Blair Walsh...choose which biguns you want to carry you off the field. We'll handle the fevered frenzy.

Dawgs 33

War Kitties 31

Let's pack it up early today Reader. Just tell the boss you're heading to Athens Town to see the Bulldogs play. And don't just meet me there...beat me there!!



The Chizzs' Daddy said...

I hate to say it but, I will be surprised if we hold them to 31. I do think we can out score them, we just need not toss 3 picks.

Ally said...

Planning on using my cough syrup to nurse my usual case of laryngitis after a Dawg win ;)


Track 'em Dawgs, just like Beagles
Go to hell you War DAMN Eagles!!!

Bernie said...

Chizzs' Daddy We very well might not hold them that low. Todd doesn't throw picks, not that we'd catch them if he did. If Houston (and/or others) can GATA...then my prediction may hold up.

Ally I vaguely remember screaming something similar on the plains last year...only to bite my nails to the bitter end. Otherwise they'll body punch Willie's soft underbelly all night.

Damn U Karma!