- DawgsOnline provided some insight as to what Sanford could look like the next time we visit.
- By this time next week we'll be wondering (in earnest) if the sideline will be undergoing any makeovers as well.
- In the end when Coach Richt looks back at this season, he'll have to see a team that was no better in November than they were in September.
- Blair Walsh and the youth of the team can't be blamed for that.
- As Bill King points out, was Cox coached at all this season?
- Dawg Stephen sees a lot of bright spots and plenty of problems such as turnovers and penalties. It just wasn't the year of the Dawg.
- Kit mixes up a tall glass of Vlog.
- Over at Leather Helmet, EC Dawg takes on an issue that is quickly becoming Goliath-sized, conditioning.
- If anyone is in the bookstore this week, Exhile could use a new hat shipped to him.
- Mike says we, and especially the players, deserve better.
- Sadly, Streit is just ready for the season to end.
- If the toss sweep is Bobo's bread and butter play, somebody get him a jar of peanut butter...or a nice strawberry marmalade.
- Les Miles...that bite mark on your ass this morning - Karma. Ain't she a peach?
- That's an awfully big sword you just fell on Coach Weis.
- How do you go from Why don't you go pump some gas?...to Go to hell KKK!!...? Well, I guess it starts when a school official puts his head up his ass. (Warning, video link NSFW)
- Lastly, if you missed the footage from the Auburn tailgate...I'm pretty sure we got an answer to our question...??
The best synopsis of Saturday's game comes from Get the Picture:
These coaches are so worried about preventing the worst case scenario from happening that it's affected their ability to get their players to perform up to the level of their talent.
That's just one of the Senator's thoughts from the 35. The rest are just as dead on, as usual.
There's a lot I have to say, but it's really no good. What those guys in the ingredients and in the Daily Dawg Clicks have done is much better than what I've tried to express, then deleted. I'll have my second annual State of the BullDawg Nation ready sometime this week. Should be an interesting call-in show tonight. Personally, I don't think I'll wait for Jim_from_Duluth's transcript...
Enjoy your Monday Reader. It could always be worse...we could have an insect as a mascot.
Let hate week begin.
Why do we call it hate"week"?
I hate those bastards all year long.All things considered,you've done a great job this year Bernie.
Quote of the season....
If the toss sweep is Bobo's bread and butter play, somebody get him a jar of peanut butter...or a nice strawberry marmalade.
Good stuff.
Pump - the best is yet to come brother...
Anon - unfortunately, that stuff writes itself. It's all very painful.
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