Thursday, October 15, 2009

SCAN Foundation Benefit - Dawg Tix, Memorabilia and other Giveaways

Just another plug for a foundation that is doing tremendous work. The Skin Cancer Awareness Network Foundation is putting on a benefit at the Buckhead Bar and Grill this coming Tuesday evening from 6pm to 10pm. You can get all the particulars below.

Vince Dooley has been a long time supporter of the SCAN Foundation and is how I first heard of it. He was on the radio promoting the annual Save Our Skin 5K Walk/Run. I tend to do whatever Coach Dooley says, so I lace up the Nikes each May in the name of skin cancer research.

Skin cancer remains the most common form of cancer in the US, with over a million skin cancers diagnosed each year. The prevention of these cancers can be as simple as a hat to screen the face, some lotion to screen the skin and a visit to the doctor to screen the moles.

If you haven't been touched by cancer directly, I'm sure you know someone who has. So maybe you're looking for a way to pitch in and help these good people find an end to this terrible disease.

And who a bonus you may walk away with Tenn Tech autographed football...some Delta SkyMiles...or one of the other fabulous raffle prizes. So if you're in or around Atlanta Tuesday evening, grab something with black/white polka dots and head over to Buckhead Bar and Grill.

And tell Marilyn Bernie sent ya!

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