Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Willie Martinez Rumors

Toledo hired Oklahoma State's defensive coordinator Tim Beckman over a month ago. Barely a ripple in the coaching world news...right?

Oklahoma State has offered Bill Young $700,000 to be its new DC. He is weighing the decision. It is a decision that could create waves in Athens.

Bill Young is the Miami Hurricane defensive coordinator. 

Should Young leave lovely Miami, it is reported (very loosely I might add) that the Hurricanes would look to a former local player and Cane defensive back to fill the slot - Georgia defensive coordinator Willie Martinez.

Young, who just finished his first season at Miami and played at Oklahoma State in the '60s has said he is "torn" between staying on Randy Shannon's staff and heading home to Stillwater. 

Now, if and when Young leaves Miami...and if and when Shannon calls Butts-Mehre for permission to talk to Ol' Willie...there's no guarantee Martinez takes the job. Shannon's own job seems precarious at best. 

CMR is the very definition of stability.

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