Thursday, November 4, 2010

Murray Needs a Moment

After propping the team up on many occasions this season, Aaron Murray deserved a pass (no pun intended), even after all but ending the WLOCP with an ill-advised throw. Fans have been more than willing to grant him some slack as he grows into his role.

The same goes for Coach Richt:
When you watch a quarterback and there’s something that happens big early on, like that pick the very first throw, it could send a guy into a really bad state of mind where you could just physically look at him and go, ‘This guy is shook.’ I never thought that happened in the game.
And from what little we've learned about the kid's personality, this week has to be torture...just waiting for the opportunity to play again and throw a pass that's more on target, hear the crowd cheer wildly as opposed to the collective groan of defeat, and the opposing corch taunting your own fans. 

But he also has to be eager to make the plays that define a season as well as a game.
It definitely would be nice to finish off a game. We’ve come back from games, but we haven’t had that comeback victory yet. I feel like if we change four or five plays this year, 10 at the most, it could be a totally different season from this.
I hope this kid makes the clutch play on the Plains, or the Flats. Because as much as (if not more than) anyone else he deserves that moment.


Anonymous said...

His time and moments will come. Maybe sooner than later. He's going to be great before he leaves Athens.

Ally said...

Agreed. The wlocp was heartbreaking, but the last person i'm disappointed in is Aaron Murray. I couldn't be more impressed with him this season.

Add our receiving corp to that list too. T King & Durham have been fantastic this season. AJ deserves the attention he gets, no doubt, but i think T King hasn't received nearly the accolades he's earned.

Great post!