Reading over Hale's Catching Up with David Greene earlier this week got me thinking about a day...way back in...2004...'tween the hedges...
Some thoughts:
- not enough shots of Darth Saban
- Uncle that you singing?
- I've got a picture of that second Greene to Brown TD autographed by each to my daughters
- Raiders obviously took pity on Jamarcus after watching film on this game...otherwise I can't explain him being drafted to another team that can't protect the passer
- Saban coaches DBs...??
- not enough shots of Saban
- Thomas Brown can obviously squat two LSU LBs if needed
- David Greene = DamnGoodDawg
- Saturday...October comes the Hat
Have a Pollack-sized Saturday Reader. And if you play the lottery...45 and 16 sound like good numbers today.
Just sayin'.